Short facts : A tightly rolled up piece of bark from the cinnamon tree
A cinnamon stick is a long, slender piece of bark from the cinnamon tree that is rolled up tightly. It is often used in cooking and baking to add a warm, sweet, and slightly spicy flavour to dishes. Cinnamon sticks can be used to infuse beverages with their distinct aroma and taste and are also commonly used in mulled wine, hot cider, and other warm beverages for added flavour and fragrance.
Ground cinnamon
Short facts : Grounded cinnamon stick or the bark directly
Ground cinnamon is a popular spice that is made by grinding the dried inner bark of a tree called Cinnamomum. It has a warm, sweet, and fragrant flavour and is commonly used in both sweet and savoury dishes. Cinnamon is a versatile spice that can be used in baking, cooking, and even in beverages like tea and coffee. It is also known for its potential health benefits, such as its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.