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White sugar

white sugar

White sugar

Short facts : The most commonly used sugar

White sugar is a commonly used sweetener that is produced by extracting and refining sugar cane or sugar beets. It is granulated and has a fine texture with a bright white color. White sugar is used in a wide range of culinary applications, from baking and cooking to sweetening beverages. It is known for its ability to add sweetness and enhance flavour in various dishes.

caster sugar

Caster sugar

Short facts : Is in between white sugar and icing sugar

Caster sugar, also known as superfine sugar or baker’s sugar, is a finely ground sugar with a consistency that falls between granulated white sugar and icing sugar. It dissolves more easily than regular granulated sugar, making it ideal for baking and cooking where a smooth texture is desired. Caster sugar is commonly used in recipes for delicate cakes, meringues, custards, and other desserts. It is also often used in beverages like cocktails and iced teas due to its quick dissolving properties.

Can be made by blending white sugar for a few seconds.

icing sugar

Icing sugar

Short facts : The finest sugar powder

Icing sugar, also known as powdered sugar or confectioner’s sugar, is a finely ground sugar that has been processed into a powdered form. It is commonly used in baking and cooking to make frosting, icing, and other sweet treats. Icing sugar is very fine and dissolves easily, making it ideal for achieving a smooth texture in frostings and glazes. It is often sifted before use to remove any lumps and ensure a smooth consistency. Icing sugar is also sometimes dusted over desserts for decoration or to add a touch of sweetness.

Can be made by blending white sugar or caster sugar until it is a powder.

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