The recipe for mashed potatoes, which has been around for centuries, included the same ingredients as it does today. It is difficult to determine who exactly created the recipe but this remains one of the classical dishes of all time
Prepare all ingredients according to the list above and read through the recipe before starting
Fill a casserole with water
Add (i)
1000 g potatoes
Bring to a simmer and let it simmer for 15 minutes (timer) with the lid on
Make sure the potatoes are cooked, check with a meat needle or a knife
Drain off the water
Add (i) and mix it together with a hand mixer or a potato masher
100 ml milk 1,5%, 30 g butter
Do not over mix so it becomes sticky in its consistency
Season with (i)
Add a little bit of olive oil or butter to the water to prevent the potatoes from boiling overYou can choose to only use the cooking water if preferred but milk and butter will add creaminess and finesse to the dish
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