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Trofie pasta with cherry tomatoes, fresh spinach leaves, pesto verde and mascarpone, baked in the oven

trofie pasta with grape tomatoes fresh spinach leaves pesto verde and mascarpone baked in the oven
This oven-baked dish features Trofie pasta, a traditional short, twisted pasta from Liguria in the north of Italy. Paired with fresh cherry tomatoes, spinach leaves, pesto verde and mascarpone, the Trofie pasta perfect shape makes it ideal for scooping up this creamy dish
Goes well with
If served as main dish : Fresh bread 
If served as side dish : Fish or light meat 
If served for lunch : Fresh bread 
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Serving 4 people
Nutrition 1 serving
Calories 886kcal
Carbs 89g
Protein 23g
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Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Oven Time 5 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes

Ingredients (i)


  • Prepare all ingredients according to the list above and read through the recipe before starting
  • Preheat oven to 300 °C
  • Cook (i) in salted water according to the package but still al dente
    400 g trofie pasta
  • At the mean time
  • Heat a casserole big enough for the final dish and add (i)
    2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Add (i) and cook gently until it has softened
    1 onion
  • Add (i) and cook gently until it has collapsed
    450 g spinach
  • Add (i) and let it simmer for 5 minutes (timer)
    400 g cherry tomatoes
  • Season with (i)
    salt, black pepper
  • Add (i)
    80 g pesto verde
  • Add (i)
    250 g mascarpone cheese
  • Mix everything together
  • Remove from the heat
  • Add the cooked pasta
  • Mix everything together
  • Adjust the seasoning with (i)
    salt, black pepper
  • Transfer it to an ovenproof dish
  • Arrange (i) on top
    cherry tomatoes
  • Arrange (i) on top in small blobs
    40 g pesto verde
  • Grill in the oven for 5 minutes (timer)
  • Serve


Traditional pesto verde is a blend of fresh basil, garlic, pine nuts, extra-virgin olive oil and Parmesan cheese
Alternatively use wholemeal pasta instead of white pasta

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