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almonds unpeeled

Almond unpeeled

Short facts : The peel is edible and contains additional nutrients and fiber

An almond with its peel still intact is known as an unpeeled almond. The peel is a thin, brownish, papery layer that covers the almond kernel inside. The peel is edible and contains additional nutrients and fiber. Unpeeled almonds have a slightly different taste and texture compared to peeled almonds, as the peel adds a bit of bitterness and chewiness to the nut. They are commonly used in recipes for added texture and flavour, or they can be eaten on their own as a nutritious snack.

almonds peeled

Almond peeled

Short facts : Peel almonds manually by blanching them in hot water and then removing the skins

Almond peeled refers to almonds that have had their outer brown skin removed, leaving behind the white, smooth almond nut. Almonds are commonly peeled before being used in recipes or consumed as a snack. The process of peeling almonds can be done manually by blanching the almonds in hot water and then removing the skins, or commercially through mechanical methods. Peeling almonds can help enhance their appearance and texture in various dishes.

almond flakes unpeeled

Almond flakes unpeeled

Short facts : The skin adds a slightly bitter taste

Almond flakes unpeeled are thin slices of almonds that still have their skin intact. They are commonly used in baking, cooking, and as a topping for dishes to add a crunchy and nutty flavour. The unpeeled skin adds a slightly bitter taste and a nice crunch. They are a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savoury and sweet dishes.

almond flakes peeled

Almond flakes peeled

Short facts : The peeled almond flakes slightly sweet, nutty flavour

Almond flakes peeled are thin slices of almond that have been peeled to remove the outer skin first. They are commonly used as a topping or garnish for various dishes such as salads, desserts, and baked goods. The peeled almond flakes have a delicate crunchy texture and a slightly sweet, nutty flavour that can enhance the overall taste and presentation of a dish.

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