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Short facts : Aubergine is actually a fruit but widely accepted as a vegetable

Aubergine is actually a fruit that belongs to the nightshade family, also known as eggplant in some regions. It has a smooth, glossy, deep purple skin and a creamy white flesh with small edible seeds. Aubergine has a slightly bitter taste, which can be reduced by salting and draining the sliced aubergine before cooking.

It is commonly used in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines, either grilled, roasted, sautéed, or used in dishes like ratatouille, moussaka and baba ganoush. Aubergine is a versatile ingredient that adds a unique flavour and texture to dishes. Aubergines are low in calories and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to a balanced diet.

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