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Agaricus Bosporus mushroom

white mushroom

White mushroom

Short facts : Youngest and least mature version

White mushrooms are the most common type and the youngest and least mature variety. They have a smooth, dome-shaped cap with the veil on the underside still closed covering immature gills. It is typically white in color, hence its name and have a mild, earthy flavour and a firm texture, making them a versatile ingredient in various culinary dishes. They are commonly used in salads, soups, pasta dishes, stir-fries, and as a topping on pizzas. White mushrooms are also rich in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

baby bella

Baby bella mushroom

Short facts : Also known as brown mushrooms and Italian mushrooms

Baby bella mushrooms, also known as crimini mushrooms, chestnut mushrooms and Italian brown. They are the same variety as white mushrooms but picked when they are more mature but still juvenile to portobello mushrooms. This later picking gives a more developed type of mushroom with a firm texture and a rich, earthy flavour. They are a bit smaller in size compared to other mushroom varieties and have a light to dark brown cap similar to white mushrooms the veil on the underside of the cap are still closed. Baby bella mushrooms has the classic umami taste and can be used in a variety of dishes, including soups, stir-fries, pasta dishes, omelette and salads. They are a good source of nutrients such as vitamin D, B vitamins, and antioxidants.

portobello mushroom

Portobello mushroom

Short facts : Most mature version with open cap and brown visible gills

Portobello mushrooms are the fully mature version of the brown strain of Agaricus bisporus. They are large meaty mushrooms with a dense texture and rich, earthy flavour. They are a more mature version with the viel under the cap open and with brown gills. Since the portobellos are fully matures they have a more savoury and umami rich taste. Portobellos can be grilled, sautéed, stuffed, or used as a meat substitute in various dishes. They are often used as a burger patty alternative for vegetarians and are popular in vegetarian and vegan cuisine for their hearty taste and substantial texture.

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