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Parmesan cheese

parmesan cheese

Parmesan cheese

Short facts : Always use the original Parmesan cheese and in a block : Parmigiano Reggiano

Parmesan cheese is a hard and granular cheese that originates from Italy. It is made from unpasteurised cow’s milk and has a pale yellow color. Parmesan cheese is aged for for at least 12 months, usually around 18 to 36 months, which gives it a crumbly texture and very strong umami characteristic. It has a sharp and savoury flavour with a slightly nutty undertone which explains why even though it is delicious on its own, it also elevates almost any dish to which it is added, cooked or uncooked.

The original Parmesan cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano, has a much better, rich and intense taste than the generic “Parmesan” cheese that is on sale everywhere, even if more expensive it is worth it.

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